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Direct Mail

Use our FICO and Credit Filters to Pinpoint the Right Customers

Direct Mail Drives Leads to your Store

Looking for a tried-and-true way to drive more leads? Our Direct Mail Campaigns help you reach the right customer at the right time, with the right message, helping you to sell more cars. We can identify when there’s a new opportunity BEFORE your competition does. Our platform helps you target customers with a specific FICO score and credit filters. If you’re good at subprime, then this program is for you!

Please fill out the form to start developing direct mail pieces to reach in-market consumers and drive more leads to your store. A 700Credit Representative will be in contact you shortly.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Here’s what you get:

  • Personalized look and feel reflecting image of your dealership
  • Full proof to review within 3 days
  • Timely edits to keep project moving
  • Implementation of mailing timeline

Let us help you develop direct mail pieces to reach in-market consumers and drive more leads to your store!

Types of Direct Mail

Vehicle Buy Back

Lease Termination

Service Specials


Interest Rate


Sales Event


Payment Reduction